'Windows cannot be installed in this disk. The selected disk partition is of the GPT partition style.':Error

 'Windows cannot be installed t0 this disk. The selected disk partition is of the GPT partition style.': Error

"Windows cannot be installed to this disk GPT" indicates the error message ''Windows cannot be installed in this disk. The selected disk is of the GPT partition style." This is one of the common errors that might occur during Windows installation. When you try to install Windows 10/8/7 on your computer, be it a desktop or Dell/HP laptop, Windows Setup might report the error "Windows cannot be installed to this disk. The selected disk is of the GPT partition style." If that happens, you cannot continue installing Windows until fixing it.

Windows Cannot be installed on this disk. The selected disk is of the GPT partition style.

Cause of 'The selected disk is of the GPT partition style'

During Windows arrangement, you should decide to introduce utilizing the MBR or GPT parcel style. When introducing Windows on UEFI-based PCs utilizing Windows Setup, your hard drive parcel style should be set up to help either UEFI mode or inheritance BIOS-similarity mode. In basic words, when you choose to pick a MBR or GPT segment to introduce Windows, you should know obviously the thing motherboard firmware you're utilizing and keep the two terms coordinated.

  • UEFI → GPT
  • Legacy BIOS → MBR

Read further: UEFI vs. BIOS

If you see the prompt saying "Windows Cannot be installed to this disk. The selected disk is of the GPT partition style", that's because your PC is booted in UEFI mode, but your hard drive is not configured for UEFI mode.

How to take care of this GPT partition style issue? Technically, you got two options:

  1. . Convert MBR to GPT partition style to fit the PC's UEFI firmware features.
  2. Keep the existing MBR partition style, but reboot the PC in legacy BIOS mode.

3 Solutions to GPT Partition Style Error 'Windows Cannot Be Installed to This Disk'

As the mistake causes tended to, all PCs will boot to one of the two modes: UEFI or BIOS. In the event that your PC is UEFI-based, you should introduce Windows on a GPT circle. Essentially, if your PC is BIOS-based, you should introduce Windows on a MBR circle. Hence, GPT is contrary with inheritance BIOS and that is the reason you get the mistake message "Windows Cannot be introduced to this circle. The chose circle is of the GPT parcel style." After sorting out the reasons, the investigating turns out to be a lot simpler at this point.

Method 1. Convert MBR to GPT Without Losing Data

As referenced, the mistake message demonstrates that Windows is booted in UEFI mode that requires the framework plate to be GPT segment style. The immediate answer for "The chose circle is of the GPT segment style" is to change the MBR plate to GPT. We unequivocally exhort you pick a non-information obliterating technique to do the MBR to GPT change with EaseUS Partition Master, an outsider amazing part device that changes MBR over to GPT effectively without losing information.

Right-click the GPT circle that you need to change over and select "Convert to MBR".

Snap the "Execute Operation" button at the upper left corner.

Then, click "Apply" and start to change over GPT circle to MBR.

Experiencing difficulty booting your PC framework? Forget about it. With EaseUS parcel supervisor, you can make a WinPE bootable media bundled with EaseUS Partition Master on a USB, CD, or DVD. At that point you can boot the PC from the gadget and convert the GPT circle to MBR plate with straightforward snaps utilizing the device. (You need another functioning PC to make the WinPE bootable USB/CD/DVD.)

Method 2. Convert MBR to GPT by Reformatting the Drive

Since you are endeavoring to introduce Windows on the plate, you should have a Windows establishment DVD or USB, with which you can likewise change over to GPT. Be that as it may, this technique needs you to physically wipe a drive and convert it to GPT. Reformatting will eradicate all the information on the drive. Consequently, if the information matters, feel no wonder whether or not to save your information and convert it to GPT utilizing EaseUS Partition Master. Or on the other hand, in any event make a full reinforcement prior to reformating the drive.

Stage 1. Mood killer the PC and put in the Windows establishment DVD or USB.

Stage 2. Boot the PC from the DVD or USB.

Stage 3. In Windows Setup, press "Shift + F10" to begin Command Prompt.

Stage 4. Enter the accompanying order all together:


list plate

select plate


convert gpt


Stage 5. Close Command Prompt.

Stage 6. Proceed with the Windows establishment.

After the transformation, the drive will show up as a solitary space of unallocated space. Pick the unallocated space and snap Next. Windows will start the establishment without sending a similar blunder.

Technique 3. Boot to UEFI Mode

This arrangement isn't generally relevant. Why? That is on the grounds that not all PCs have the firmware with both UEFI and BIOS-viable. Albeit the vast majority of the work areas and PCs running Windows 10 have UEFI-based motherboard with heritage BIOS-similarity mode, there are a few assumptions. More seasoned PCs running Windows 7 just help heritage BIOS mode and the most recent Surface Pro permits just UEFI mode.

At the point when you get "Windows Cannot be introduced to this plate. The chose circle is of the GPT parcel style", it recommends that your PC is right now booted in heritage BIOS. To boot to UEFI, you need to check whether the firmware upholds UEFI in BIOS and afterward change to it if the mode is accessible.

Stage 1. Totally shut down your PC.

Stage 2. Force on the framework. When you see the logo shows up, press the BIOS key, be it Esc, Delete, F1, F2, F10, F11, or F12, to enter BIOS. (For the most part, the PC screen will show you what the BIOS key is.)

Stage 3. Utilize the bolt key to choose and enter the "Boot" tab.

Stage 4. Utilize the down bolt to choose UEFI.

Stage 5. Save the progressions and exit BIOS.

Stage 6. Proceed with Windows installation.

Boot to legacy BIOS or UEFI

In the event that there is no UEFI mode accessible, it implies that your PC just takes into consideration BIOS mode. In such a circumstance, you can just change GPT to MBR to fix the "Windows cannot be installed to this disk" mistake.

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