How to fix Windows 0x0000011b network printer error

 Step 1: 
Launch the Registry Editor.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print.
Right-click on the Print key and select New → DWORD-32 bit Value.
Name the new keyRpcAuthnLevelPrivacyEnabled.
Double-click on the new key and set its value to 0 (zero).

0x0000011b network printer error

Step 2: 

To make it easier to add this change, you can use the fix-0x0000011b.reg Registry file to add it for you.

Download this file on both PC where printer physically installed and your client pc where you need to installed the printer devices, double-click on it, and allow the data to be merged.

Hopefully this may you solve the problem.


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